Tuesday, March 22, 2022

War Day 27: Rooski Flailing


And in the air:



The United Nations Secretary General said the war is unwinnable by Russia; Volo called on Ukrainian civilians to "kick the invader out", which is the definition of a Ukrainian win; and Guardian reports that Russia's struggles are owing to a large number of Chechen fighters used in the first days of the war. The Chechens are ungovernable, don't obey Russian commanders saying their loyalty is to Chechen leader and Putin tool Ramzon Kadyrov, have and use cell phones which document losses, are inflicting casualties indiscriminately on civilians, refer to the action as a war, contrary to Russian "guidance" and are generally just more hindrance than help. 

Russia will win this war now only one of two ways: 1) quickly through the use of WMD 2) slowly, perhaps over years, by attritting Ukraine's fighting capacity.