Tuesday, September 27, 2022

"I'm facing due east" as my hair gets plastered straight back "so the wind is blowing due west." Yeah! I have a keen, deductive intelligence like that. 

Beautiful, beautiful night here.  I am mindful of the luxury of that statement. The approach of a major hurricane is enervating, I know that first hand, and the folks on the west coast of Florida don’t have the luxury to make that statement. As you can see from the wind-speed maps the storm system has toggled east more towards Miami and Miami Beach.

We are still out of even the smallest chance of hurricane winds (at star). But our probability of getting tropical storm winds (40-74 mph) has increased significantly over the day and 50-60 mph winds can open a can of whoop ass on you. We are now in the orange color which codes to a 60%-70% chance over the next four days. The gust I felt tonight did really wobble me, but I’m not so experienced that I can tell if that was a tropical storm gust. It was more than 21 mph! More like in the 30’s since the sustained were 21.

The weather is always dramatic in Miami. The weather and the beauty of Cuban women were my first impressions of Miami and they have only solidified over the 40 years I have lived here. Forty years! God, I’m old. It’s a great life.