Which removes the need for James Orenstein and his top secret clearance as "helper" for Judge Dearie. But there is no indication that DOJ will now challenge Dearie's "request" for Orenstein.
Readers, I write to you in forewarning earnest: The fix is in. The Department of Justice is not oblivious to the conspiratorial connections among the judges and
45th's lawyers but they are acting and not acting as if they are oblivious. DOJ mishandled with kid gloves Judge Cannon's rulings; they pared back their grounds for appellate review when they should have challenged all; should have challenged Loose Cannon's special master ruling in the first place. They now should file a new comprehensive appeal to the full 11th Circuit Court of Appeal; they should move to recuse Cannon; Congress should impeach and remove her from the federal bench; Justice should move to remove Dearie, remove Orenstein, who drafted his own order of appointment. They should fire every legal arrow in their quiver to start over with judicial officers untainted by 45th. The current group will do everything it can, and some things that they cannot, to shield 45th from equal application of the law, and without that the soul of America is extinguished. And if the 11th Circuit, with six Trump appointees, rules against them Justice should appeal to the United States Supreme Court. If the fix is in there as well, well, the better we know when the war began.