Tuesday, February 27, 2024

Are you fucking kidding me?

 How Pep Guardiola, Manchester City have

shaped Joe Mazzulla’s system with Celtics


He put on a Manchester City match for the Celtics. He explained the philosophies that have made their manager, Pep Guardiola, one of the sport’s best.

He showed his team that, like soccer, basketball is a continuum.

“That is what the game of basketball is about, to me, and what counterattacking in soccer is about,” Mazzulla told The Athletic. “So I study a lot of Man City. I study Pep a lot. I think he’s the best coach at any level, in any sport. It’s had a huge influence (on me).”

We don't counterattack. That's Liverpool; that's Lester back in the day. We're tiki-taka possession.

Mazzulla wanted to slowly challenge the idea that offense and defense exist on their own planes. Over the past decade, both basketball and soccer have grown more into transition sports...