Saturday, March 22, 2025


"Talent only gets you so far," Booker told FOX Sports. "I've been on teams with less talent that found ways to get more wins. It's just the little things. What people always say, the details of the game. Although it sounds like we should know that at this part of our careers...

That sounds like a Pat Riley-ism. "Heat" Culture, hard work, yada. But it's not.

"Hard work doesn't guarantee anything, but without it you don't stand a chance." That sounds like a Ben Harris-ism. But it's not.

"Talent only gets you so far" is what uber-talented Devin Booker said after PHO, 10th place, same as Les Miserables, lost to La-La LeBron-less March 16.

"Hard work doesn't guarantee anything", that's the Riley-ism from a commercial he cut after landing in Miami. 

Since that March 16 L, PHO has 3W, including last night over the Cavalry in the Valley. But they are still in 10th place, some tiebreaker over Dallas from being in the lottery! Back East, Les Mis is all but guaranteed the 10th place play-in slot, five games ahead of Ontario State.

There are no guarantees of success, not in basketball, not in life. You need talent and you need hard work but even with both you may not succeed due to the whims of fate. Talent is probably sine qua non.