Friday, July 13, 2012

Penn State Scandal.

You know, when this first broke in November there were times I would have to go back to whichever article I was reading and re-read it. “Did it really say…”  I had just read it and I don’t have reading comprehension difficulty. I couldn’t believe it. Or sometimes the scandal would pop into my head when I was doing something else and I’d just get a sick feeling in my stomach.

Penn State people are to blame for this. Those who attended Penn State in the last 40 years went there because of the image Joe Paterno had given Penn State. No, no, they are to blame too. 

I’m devastated by this. 

Penn State people are to blame too but I feel so, so bad for them... heartsick. I am so, so sorry for them.

Did this really happen?

Image: "Grief," sculpture by Andrassy Kurta Janos.