Thursday, September 06, 2012

Democrats Boo God.

It is the political convention season in America. Last week (I think it was) Clint Eastwood dazzled Republicans with a soliloquy on an empty chair. Last night the Democrats booed God.

There is something about Democrats that makes this predictable, maybe inevitable. Here they are, in a close presidential election, at a convention in a close state in the Bible Belt of America. They had, since 2008, a plank in their platform that pledged to help all Americans--every one of them--live up to their "God-given potential."

What, in the name of God, is wrong with that?

Some unnamed Democrats thought there was something wrong with that and so removed the "God-given" part...


Then, realizing their stupidity, they put it back in.
And called for a voice vote of approval. Ayes or Nays, whoever yells loudest.
But the Ayes didn't clearly yell loudest.
And the chairman had to call for a re-yell.
Two re-yells.
And it still wasn't clear.
And the rules required two-thirds approval anyway.
And the Ayes definitely didn't yell twice as loud.
But the chairman called it for the Ayes anyway.
And the Nays booed.

There is a level of stupidity--and it was reached here--both peculiar and reserved solely for Democrats. How to characterize it: twee, gratuitous, hurtful, self-injurious, oblivious, embarrassing. I can't think of one word for it. Unless it's Democrat.