Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Pollia condensata is an African plant. Plants need to have their seeds spread by birds to keep the species going. Plants attract birds by making their seeds attractive to birds, often having the seeds double as bird food. Pollia condensata does it just with color, its seeds are inedible. It really does it with color. The blue of the Pollia condensata seeds is the most "intense" ever found by scientists in nature. Here, intensity means the degree of reflected light. It's 30% in p.c., more than in any other living thing. P.c. does this through "structural coloration" that uses cellulose rather than pigment. The result is not only intense color but longer-lasting color. P.c. blue does not fade. Scientists say this could revolutionize how we humans use color, for our crayons, cars, football helmets, nail polish, maybe wedding gowns I don't know...This was all in the news yesterday, really.

That concludes this science report.