Saturday, April 20, 2013

Boston Marathon Bombing.

"Within hours of the Boston Marathon bombing, investigators were already overwhelmed."
                 -Washington Post.

Ladies and gentlemen, it should not have been that way. Boston is a major American city with a large police force. And this was not 9/11/01. It was not an event of that complexity: three people were killed not 2,600. It was known very quickly that these were bombs, not gas or electrical explosions, unlike the confusion after the first plane hit the World Trade Center. Nor was it an unprecedented event as was 9/11/01.  Public security strategy changed drastically after 9/11. So much was learned, so much changed. Improved. The Boston Police Department handled Marathon security as if 9/11 had never happened.  No one should have been able to plant those bombs without being detected. This is so much a basic part of post-9/11 security as to be an introductory training exercise: guys with stuffed backpacks-watch them!  Guys with stuffed backpacks leaving them on the ground. That's a gimme! I would not have thought that possible at a major event in a major city in 2013.  And Tamerlan Tsarnaev as one of the bomb planters? Tamerlan Tsarnaev who the Russian government advised the FBI was a suspected Muslim terrorist? Who the FBI interviewed?  The police weren't watching HIM with a stuffed backpack leaving it on the ground?!  That's a Fail. That is an inexcusable, literally, to me, unthinkable, Fail. I am Benjamin Harris and this is Public Occurrences.