Sunday, November 23, 2014

Lavrov's October 20, 2014 Speech. XVIII.

"What we are hearing now are statements of a totally different nature, and political declarations about the already forgotten indivisibility of security.  In particular, US Secretary of Defence Chuck Hagel “realised” the other day that the Russian army is already 'at NATO's doorstep.'"

Very good point. He's right, there. Security is not indivisible in Europe now because Russia is not party to the only security architecture, NATO and Hagel's statement divides Europe between NATO and non-NATO.

Regarding the statements of our US colleagues, I believe they reveal who is actually undermining trust in Europe, and is doing so using not only statements, but most importantly, concrete actions."

Yep, trust left blew that popsicle stand. Why do Russians always stop their talk of "concrete actions" before they get to the concrete non-action that there has been no invasion of or attack upon Russia from NATO, ever?