Sunday, November 23, 2014

Lavrov's Speech, October 20, 2014. XXI.

The next few paragraphs deal with "the truth and justice" of the Motherland's call on Ukraine, the illegality (And there may be, Russia is suing.) of the sanctions, acknowledgement that the sanctions are hurting, resolution that the sanctions will not change Russia's behavior (And they will not.), accusations that the U.S. is not really interested in peaceful settlement in Ukraine (We are.), but is looking for "an excuse to put Russia in its place" (We are not.), is not showing Russia "respect"

(We don't), thinks Russians are stupid (We do.), some veiled threats that Russia is not going to help with Iran (And it doesn't look like they have.), and winds up generally with this:

"The usual US method is as follows: they work out a solution concept and tell the rest of the world: 'Washington has made a decision, let’s ensure international cooperation based on this.' This is not how we see the process, and not because we do not respect their ability to work out solutions (even so, theory needs to be confirmed by practice, and in practice, wherever the US interferes, there’s chaos and devastation). We are confident that only cooperative work from the start – a cooperative analysis of the problem, development of assessments and approaches to it – can bring success and ensure sustainable cooperation."

And I think that is generally more right than wrong.

After his prat-fall Lavrov pulled himself off the pitch and delivered some shots in pretty good form again:

"It is our firm position that any escalation of a Euro-Atlantic confrontation can only lead to a deadlock. [That is GOOD. Not "war" or even "confrontation.] Any attempts to ensure European security and development without Russia and against Russia are pointless..." [I don't read that as not recognizing NATO as I did his "missed" comment...but I could be wrong!]
" our individual contacts with our European partners, we almost always hear assurances that they understand it all, and they see the need for and are willing to develop cooperation with Russia on a mutually acceptable basis, they are ready to take into account our interests and keep in mind Russia’s contribution in saving Europe from Napoleon’s attempt to conquer the continent and later from a similar aggression by Hitler. (I said "pretty" good.) Yet, they also talk about European solidarity. It seems like when they get together, they stop seeing reason. There may possibly be some glimpses in closed-door discussions, but publicly, we only hear hardcore Russophobic statements, an approach imposed by anti-Russian forces inside the European Union."
"Let’s derive from the fact that there is no reasonable alternative for the improvement of EU-Russia and US-Russian relations." [THAT is REALLY good.]
"We still believe that the strategic goal of Russia-EU cooperation should be gradual development of a common economic and cultural space from the Atlantic to the Pacific Coast based on a system of indivisible security where no country would strengthen its security at the expense of the others." [Very good.]
"Indeed, we are willing to discuss any agreement with our partners that is based on mutual respect, equality and a balance of interests, and is not aimed at forcing us to accept someone else’s views."

That's it! Done! The Giants beat Denver 39-20.