Monday, December 15, 2014

The Day.

The day has ended for Google stats and a first, first I can remember anyway, first time there have been four countries in double figures:

Russia 28
U.S. 24
Slovenia 15
Ukraine 15

And Georgia was 10th, only one, but all in all lotta Caucasians today.

U.S.: The price of a barrel of oil closed below $56 today, from a high of $107 in July, frigging July, hell even I can remember as far back as July. The price of gasoline at American service stations bas fallen for 81 consecutive days. Russia: Russia is hurtin' fer certain. Oil is their biggest export and on top of this $50/barrel fall they of course have Western sanctions on top of it. Man, BAD timing to decide to invade Ukraine, hooo-doggie. The Ruble continues to fall and today the Russian central bank raised its "key interest rate" from 10.5% to 17% :o  Know what the equivalent interest rate is in ''Murica? This here:

Hurtin' fer certain the Rooskis are, hurtin' fer certain.

The most-read post today was "Women don't lie about rape."*

The only search keyword was "public occurrences," 2.

*Which has been updated.