Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Defacto Banana Republic

White House posts wrong versions of Trump's orders on its website


White House has posted inaccurate texts of President Trump's own executive orders on the White House website, raising further questions about how thorough the Trump administration has been in drafting some of his most controversial actions.
...For example:

► The controversial travel ban executive order suspended the Visa Interview Waiver Program and required the secretary of State to enforce a section of the Immigration and Naturalization Act requiring an in-person interview for everyone seeking a non-immigrant visa. But the White House version of the order referred to that provision as 8 U.S.C. 1222, which requires a physical and mental examination — not 8 U.S.C. 1202, which requires an interview.

► An executive order on ethical standards for administration appointees, as it appears on the White House website, refers to"section 207 of title 28" of the U.S. Code. As the nonprofit news site Pro Publica reported last week, that section does not exist. The Federal Register correctly cited section 207 of title 18, which does exist.
► An executive order asking the secretary of Labor to re-examine the "Fiduciary Rule" is missing the beginning of a sentence describing what rule the memo is referring to. The official version reads, "The Department of Labor's (Department) final rule entitled, Definition of the Term ‘Fiduciary.' " The White House versionsimply says "Term 'Fiduciary.' "