Wednesday, February 28, 2018

You know...Maggie Haberman's tweeted responses to readers comments on her objectivity were really weird. "Partisan analysis," "fake news"...I just remembered something. Very recently, last few days I read an article that she co-authored with one or two other people, I think one other person. The article was on Trump's greatest fear, illegitimacy. Oh! It was almost certainly one of those I quoted and cited to last night, Duh! Haberman (co-) wrote that although everyone but Trump now accepts that Russia intervened on Trump's behalf in the election that Trump believes that if he gives an inch on that matter that the outcome of the election will then be called into question and Haberman et al wrote "that is not necessarily the case," it was en passant, between commas, not a separate sentence. I thought to myself when I read that, "Well, no, actually, that does throw the outcome of the election in doubt." Haberman, et fucking al, seemed to mean that the vote count could not be proven to have been altered. "That was unnecessary," was my next thought. Haberman (et al) were defending Trump's position.

Stockholm Syndrome:

"A psychological phenomenon in which hostages express empathy and have positive feelings toward their captors, sometimes to the point of defending them."

The Trump Washington "ecosystem" is a fucking weird place. The White House is not a "regular" White House. It is a stressful ecosystem for a journalist covering it full-time. It is both physically and mentally exhausting and stress has weird psychological consequences for some who are trapped.