Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Follow the Money

The lede to a current CNN article is "The Pressure on Donald Trump Is Reaching Crushing Proportions." And it is. (The first paragraph is following the lead of Bill Kristol Ball: "The White House has canceled all public events on Wednesday due to the spring snowstorm hitting the nation's capitol. Which means that President Donald Trump has nothing but time on his hands -- time to stew on the current morass (or, more accurately, morasses) in which he currently finds himself." Incoming!)

I had started this denominated post at breakfast this morning however because it seemed to me that the workload on Robert Mueller and, as I understand it, his team of 13 lawyers must be getting to the crushing point. Consider: Mueller's team has already indicted 13 Russians. Indicted Flynn. Manafort. Rick Gates. Couple other people, I think. They've recently subpoenaed all Trump Organization documents related to Russia. Stormy Daniels. This week Cambridge Analytica, with whom Jared 666 Fifth Ave Kushner met, and Facebook are implicated. Steve Bannon, Kushner, White Lies Hope Hicks, have got to be next to be arraigned. What of Jeff Sessions? You need a whole law firm to handle all this. Can Mueller ask Rosenstein he needs more people? If you can, do you think he would? The breadth and depth of following the money is overwhelming.