Friday, September 20, 2019

Antonio Brown Released by New England

Man. A year ago this guy was the toast of Pittsburgh. Then he started throwing the football at the quarterback.  "Stillers" unloaded him for two mid-level draft picks and were thought to have gotten schooled by the "Raiders." He arrived there by hot air balloon and immediately left practice. Freezer burn on the feet. Then he wouldn't play unless he could wear his helmet helmet model. Then...something else, I forget what...Oh! He was fined for all the time he missed and got into a screaming match with the general manager over it. Physically approached the GM in hostile manner serious enough that teammates physically restrained. Was released by "Raiders." Signed with NE. Then it was revealed that a Pittsburgh woman sued him for sexually assaulting her on three occasions. Then it was revealed that another woman, a Pittsburgh artist, accused him of sexual misconduct. Brown sent her threatening text messages (Among Brown's problems is impulse control). The world champions need this shit? No. Brown is now looking to latch onto another team. Did you read me mention anything about the league? No, you didn't. Commissioner Roger Goodell took no action toward Brown. This has been going on now all of this current year. Brown was in need of help from the NFL. He is now way beyond help and has been in need of punishment. He received neither. The band played on.