Sunday, October 27, 2019

I Am Benjamin Harris, a Sonofabitch

“Heat Wilts” was not the theme of either of Ira’s articles on the game. The theme was Jimmy Butler, now absent his third game on paternity leave, and the continued revelation that is Kendrick Nunn. At least so far (3 games) Nunn is the “Heat’s” rookie of the year. Twenty five points tonight, 18 last night, 24 in his first NBA game against Memphis. My oh my.

I confess here for the first time to being irritated with Jimmy Butler. The day of birth, absolutely. But even that, he blindsided management. The first they knew was in the shoot-around the day of when he told Spoelstra he “might not” be able to play that night. It doesn’t seem like Spoelstra knew for sure because he didn’t inform the public, via the carpal tunnel afflicted wretches, until an hour and a half before tip off and then it was a short “Jimmy’s not here.” His mysterious “Everything is alright” consolation codicil added to the irritation. There was NO MENTION of the reason. The “Heat” had planned an elaborate welcoming ceremony for Butler. As much of that as could be was canceled I guess but some of it, the video welcomes were embarrassing under the circumstances. Since it was the birth of a child, as opposed to an arrest or something, WHY NOT SAY THAT? Jesus. Why leave people guessing, stunned. But okay, one day, one game, mazel tov on the birth of your daughter Jimmy, get back soon.

That was Wednesday. The “Heat” didn’t play again until Saturday. Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, that’s three days Jimmy has been with his sig-oth and newborn, not in Miami, parts unknown, at least to me. Okay Jimbo, Saturday night! See ya then! No. Sunday! Nyet. Five days, three games. Paternity leave. That irritates me. The whole way Butler handled it, obviously blindsiding his employer the first night, giving NO EXPLANATION the first night and that I am aware of EVER. The intel that it was the birth of a child came from Spo. Jimmy has gone DARK since Wednesday night. And then missing these two games on the fourth and fifth nights including Wednesday, no. No! I’m not cool with that. Were there complications? Are mom and baby okay? Why do you have us speculating again! I pray that mom and baby are okay and that the horrible alternative is not the reason but the point is Jimmy hasn’t said. And if they are okay then, I’m sorry again, but I am irritated that a professional player has taken five days off work and missed three games for a normal, healthy birth.