Monday, October 28, 2019


Has there been a Jimmy Butler sighting in Miami? If so, I missed it. This was the day, Monday, Monday was the day Butler (and Weighters) were to re-join the team.

Jimmy Butler to make Heat debut Tuesday after missing first three games due to birth of daughter, per report


So, "per report," which means “that's what we've heard”, t'ain't official, Butler is to play tomorrow night. But he was supposed to be back today. Per report, there is no report on Butler being in Miami today. Has anybody seen him in Miami? Does he plan to drop in via hot air balloon tomorrow, skip the shoot-around and pull on the uni at 7:30 pm? We don't know. And that is all on Jimmy Butler. No Info Butler. I'll believe it when I see it. You can skip the fireworks welcome as far as I'm concerned.