Friday, December 27, 2019

I'll be jiggered. Texas A&M came back to beat Okie State 24-21 in that absurdly named bowl. It's only just deserts for an "Aggies" team who must have PTSD after the gauntlet they had to run this season. Congratulations and much respect to Texas A&M.

Michigan State (6-6) further embarrassed the ACC by beating one of the latter's best teams, 8-4, now 8-5 Wake.

One final comment on scholarly tackle football here tonight. The college game is diminished by the year long sidelining of offensive genius Matt Canada. Coaching openings have come, coaching openings have gone, and Matt has not gotten one. If Matt was black you could not convince me that this enforced absence is not racism but Matt is white as all Canada. I truly grieve for Matt Canada the man, this is just so unfair, and the college game is missing out on a man who is a genius; listen to me here, please: Matt Canada is an offensive genius. And he has head coaching experience now; he got high marks for holding together a Maryland Department of Pigskin in a crisis frisson. He didn't get the full-time job and has been idle for a full year now. I grieve for him, and for what  the college game is missing in his absence. Good night.