Tuesday, June 29, 2021

Miami-Dade Dire Miscue

"Either rain or noise or heat or pausing to pick up mementos or too many people or gloom of night will stay these rescuers from the swift completion of their appointed work."

..some of the world’s most elite rescue crews tunneled and dug, sometimes with their hands, in hopes of finding hints of the living. As the afternoon dragged on, it appeared their hopes would be dashed for another day.

Yeah, you haven't any "hints" for five days, it's been five days of dashing. Not that you have been dashing. But don't give up, I'm sure you can spread this out another five days or so.

But on occasion, the workers would pause, and bend down, and collect what amounted to small, fragile consolation prizes: the personal photos from the residents of the Champlain Towers South,

No, those are really not consolation prizes, this is not a yard sale, you should not be pausing to pick up mementos, inanimate objects, you should be fulfilling your job description of rescuing the animate. You're 1-11 in the Rescue /Recovery standings, you don't get a point for each memento you collect.

The pictures, and a few other personal effects that somehow managed to survive the collapse, were at least something.

No, they're not something, they're nothing. You have done nothing.

Castro, is that you? Yes! Maggie-it's-hard-on-Fire-Rescue-not-too-find-survivors-Castro. You look like a tough broad, Castro, but you're just a self-centered, unempathetic, blob of timid, bureaucratic inertia..

The careful effort to preserve at least some of the belongings of the people who had lived in the tower is one of many ways that rescue officials are acknowledging that the daunting, and sometimes harrowing, technical challenges they face are only part of their job.

Translated: That's our job but we don't have the right stuff to do it so we're picking through the ruins like a yard sale.

Some families have been frustrated, and even angry, with the slow pace of the rescue work. But Ms. Castro said she hoped the families’ ability to see the magnitude of the disaster might help them understand why it is so slow-going — and perhaps help them process a reality that can still feel like a nightmare. 

No, it doesn't help them Castro, you miserable wretch. You and the other "elite" FIRE-RESCUE personnel are supposed to know how to do this. You don't and you're not.

“It’s one thing to sit somewhere and imagine what is happening, and it’s another thing to see it for yourself,” she said. 

Do you have like dyslexic judgment where you just can't help get things backwards? "It's one thing to see it for yourself," like you and the rest of Miami-Dade Tired-Withdrew, what's "another thing is to sit somewhere and imagine what" the fuck the Tired-Withdrew are doing collecting mementos and posing for news photographs.

“For some of them, this might be as close as they get to their families ever again.”

It WILL be Castro, with you and your Retired-Adieu colleagues on the job.

Officials have explained to families that having too many rescuers on the pile could collapse the narrow voids beneath and further hamper rescue efforts.

Too many? Okay! Get rid of a wholle bunch of 'em, starting with Megaton Castro. 

Thunderstorms have complicated the rescue effort, and more heavy rains blanketed the pile on Monday.

Okay, let's quickly tick them off: thunderstorms, heavy rains, fires, noises, dust, unstable structures, pausing for mementos, posing for photos, too many people, these are all matters of first impression for you and your colleagues, eh, Castro? You're "elite," so you had training in what, getting cats down out of trees?  

Ray Jadallah, the assistant fire chief of operations for Miami-Dade Fire Rescue, was adamant that officials had not made the grim decision to end search-and-rescue operations and focus on the uncovering of remains.

You're afraid of reality Jaballah. You're afraid of everything, especially FAILURE. You're terrified of going 1-161 for the season, a worse record over a full season that even the Miami "Marlins".

Can we agree, Jaballah, Castro, that when, not if, you go 1-161, in rescues to cadavers, that you will then acknowledge, unequivocally and completely, that you FAILED, and that because you FAILED, you will RESIGN and take your talents to a job less taxing like delivering Amazon packages? You're petrified because you KNOW you're going to go 1-161 and you can't face that, you don't have the GUTS to admit that you were just not up to the job.  

What do you look like, Jaballah? I have you pictured in my mind as steroided out with a shaved head? 

I'll be a sonabitch, he is. Like Megaton, he looks like a brave guy, maybe he wouldn't if he covered his pall with a Pizza Hut hat.

“Being there for people at their worst time is something that is just a calling,” [Castro] said.

You shouldn't have taken that call, Castro. You should have waited for a call from an adult website specializing in BBW.