Saturday, June 26, 2021

Residents present in Champlain Towers South describe what they heard and felt as an "earthquake," a "missile," a "bomb." And then you look at the surveillance footage again and again and again and it looks like one of those controlled demolitions, minus the explosive flashes. I mean, the building just goes right down, "pancakes." Obviously we know what a missile and a bomb demolishing a building looks like, we saw the flying bombs hit the Twin Towers on 9/11. Get that. And we have seen footage of earthquakes collapsing buildings. There was a World Series in the '80's in the Bay Area. Freeways collapsed. We know what that looks like: the structure, whatever it is, wobbles, and then boom. We don't see anything like any of those in the Surfside collapse. For a fraction of a second the structure is still as a building, and then the center portion begins to--not wobble--just collapse straight down. Lights start going off as electrical wires are severed and from the video angle the thing just goes straight down like you see in controlled demolitions (IT WAS NOT A CONTROLLED DEMOLITION). I understand from reading that the buildings collapsed west, but you don't see that. Then as the center collapses more and more you see it pull on the other building; it wobbles toward the pull in the center. Then the lights begin to go out in it and within two seconds it too collapses, again straight down, its collapse was not pulled toward the center.

Obviously, it is full 100 puzzling to an Idiot Blogger like me, I have never seen anything like it. But it is also full 100 baffling to engineers, architects--the experts--who watch the same video in gape-jawed amazement.  One expert said what was additionally incomprehensible to him was that the building on the other side of the center was not pulled down, too. Why would that be? The--I guess the term is "wing"--why would the center wing pancake and drag the (viewer's) right wing down and not the left wing? It is the damnedest thing.