Friday, October 22, 2021

Ambling Man

So I just got my booster shot and had to wait 15 minutes to make sure I didn’t die. I was walking up and down the store aisles killing time, pausing here and there. "Prid Drawing Salve" (?)—to draw out splinters. "Huh." Notice things you had never heard of before. Allergy aisle, “Let's see, do they have?...Nah, don’t have those things I use". Walking, walking, toothpaste: “Do they have?...Nah, not the high fluoride one I like. Walking, walking, up and down, up and down, stopped for ten seconds in front of “Personal Care” and a store employee, a woman, comes up and asks, “Can I help you sir?” "NOMA'AMJUSTGOTMYSHOTANDAMWAITING15MINUTES."