Saturday, January 22, 2022


It's official! President Biden has exceeded his death toll in mishandling Omicron from his death toll in mishandling Delta. 
That O spike at the end represents 2,152 ave. daily deaths in the past week. At its peak on September 24, Delta deaths were 2,099. Congratulations, Mr. President on your latest failure. But wait! There's more failure ahead. With the death interval of about a month today's deaths correspond roughly to the case load on Dec. 22. Cases peaked about 5x's higher (see below). We can expect Omicron deaths to continue their near-vertical ascent and to surpass easily peak all-time daily average deaths of 3,342.

There is good news in the COVID-19 stats tonight. You guessed it, cases continue to fall:
Precipitous drop. Precipitous and continuous since Jan. 15, 805,069 ave. daily cases. Jan. 22: 705,776.