Last night, as I always do, I put my iPhone in the auxiliary bathroom behind closed door (not good for sleep to have it next to you I read once). It was 100% charged so just set it on the sink. Went into the bedroom, closing the door, and went to sleep. This was about 11:30.
I woke up this morning and got dressed to go break my fast. Picked up my cell phone before I left and saw that it was only 74% charged. Puzzled that 26% of the battery drained over eight hours of no use but whatever, hadn't been juiced enough yet to get annoyed. Went to breakfast and pulled out my phone to check news, etc. That's when I saw: I had ELEVEN missed calls. Startled, I went to the log history. I also had FIVE voice messages. The first entry in the call log was 911. Although it was in black, a call from me, I was not processing info correctly yet and didn't realize. I get Spam calls from all kind of real-looking numbers, recently with apparent real names attached. I meant to hit the "i" symbol for info but ended up dialing 911. Immediately hung up. Now I was spooked. Went to voice mail. The five voice messages were from a normal looking number. Apple transcribed them but the transcription wasn't clear. I listened to a couple and they were all call-backs from the police department. My fucking phone, not resting or rubbing against anything, had--completely on its own while I was ASLEEP--called 911 NINE FUCKING TIMES between like 12:03 a.m. and 12:14 a.m. I was really rattled. I didn't investigate more at the restaurant, just deleted everything. I was distraught, so upset I almost wept. It's a crime to maliciously or jokingly call 911 and I could just see the police thinking, "Some kid out clubbing on Friday night/Saturday morning being a smart ass." I'm surprised the cops didn't show up at my door in the middle of the night. It was an ugly, ugly way to start the day, and I haven't investigated beyond just telling my family, who, like me, had never HEARD of such a thing. I decided that no amount of investigation would make me comfortable with this phone and am going to get a new phone with a new number.