Friday, February 23, 2024

No, that was a real FIGHT

Naji Marshall grabbed Jimmy’s neck with one hand, which led to the entire “Heat” team rushing Marshall and any and every Disgruntled Pelican. Then, when things were calmed, Thomas Bryant and Jose Alvarado were still in each other’s faces at the scorer’s table, separated by some guy, and Thomas threw a few punches at Alvarado. Alvarado in retreat. The whole gang gathered for another kaffeeklatsch and Alvarado got up on the scorer’s table to try to get at Thomas before he was pulled down.

The team is soft, just like the Fat Thot Fucker is. They’re trash. The city should not exist, it's below sea level, and should have disappeared under Katrina and her waves. The NBA should not exist there, and barely does. I hope another hurricane this summer wipes them off the map once and for all.