Saturday, February 24, 2024

So, I have watched all or most of four movies, each of which is rated "best of all time" by someone

2001: A Space Odyssey
The Godfather (viewed previously)
Citizen Kane
Jeanne Dielman, 23, Quai du Commerce, 1080 Bruxelles

And I have begun La Dolce Vita.

Now, I am not, and do not hold myself out as a film aficionado. I do say that I have an appreciation of fineness in all the arts, and I must say I am disappointed. I have posted about 2001 and Jeanne Dielman already. Citizen Kane I've watched an hour of and I don't see the big fucking deal! I looked up "memorable lines" and there aren't any that would be memorable to me. The dialogue, in fact, to my ear, is tinny. The acting, to my eye, is stilted, as if the actors were over-directed, and the whole thing has soured me on continuing with Fellini. I thought this was going to be a revelation. It has been disenchanting. One ol' head's opinion, that's all.