Friday, May 31, 2024

Paper Moon, the Third Voice

Moze, If we get a silver mine, we could get a house and everything, couldn't we?

Everything, just...everything.

#"Just around the corner, there's a rainbow in the sky"... playing on radio.

Moze, could we get a piano, too?

A piano? We'll have a whole factory.

Moze leaves. Addie to follow.

#“Just around the corner, there's a rainbow in the sky”… Addie sings to herself.

The lyrics again foreshadow. "Just around the corner" for Moze is a beating and a black eye, the loss of their fortune, and for Addie the loss of her dream life with Moze. Moze drops her off with her aunt. Addie has a house and the house has a piano. But she doesn't have Moze.