Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Times' Reporters Have a Justified Sense of Wonder at it All

After seven weeks of legal wrangling and tawdry testimony, the first criminal trial of an American president moved to a jury of Donald J. Trump’s peers...

 Mr. Trump’s fate is in the hands of those 12 New Yorkers...

The moment that deliberations began marked a transfer of power from the experts in the courtroom — the lawyers arguing the case and the judge presiding over it — to the everyday New Yorkers who forfeited weeks of their lives to assess a mountain of evidence... 

The around a long table in an unremarkable room with unforgiving lighting and walls painted a hue best described as municipal. 


Justice Merchan...impressed on them the gravity of their task but also said that the defendant — even a former president — is their peer.

“As a juror, you are asked to make a very important decision about another member of the community,” Justice Merchan said...


The jurors, seven men and five women, hail from different neighborhoods of the nation’s largest city and hold a wide variety of jobs, representing a cross-section of Manhattan. ...