Friday, May 31, 2024

So that last post, jabbing fun at The Bulwark, which I respect, the lyrics of the old Soviet National Anthem, the empire as the "bulwark of peoples in brotherhood strong." I have always been moved by the Soviet National Anthem. It is HEROIC. The state and the peoples of the U.S.S.R. accomplished a lot. They have much to be proud of.

They were the bulwark and the spearhead against Nazi Germany, without which the war would not have been won, at least not as "quickly", and they were rightly, the first into Berlin. 

They were first in space. Their nuclear program was second only behind ours and every bit as brilliant and effective.

Yes, that totalitarian state murdered 30,000,000 of it own in Stalin-made famine; yes, the gulags were full of Soviet citizens. Yes, they made condominium with the Nazis. And then were betrayed. Yes, imo, the Anglo powers should have let the dictators fight it out; we should not have aided Uncle Joe; neither was worth our alliance nor our non-aggression. 

But they were also rational partners in the management of the Cold War and together we kept World War III at bay. 

Yes, they invaded Hungary and Czechoslovakia, and in 2022 their successor, Ukraine. The loss of empire is a terrific blow to a nation's psyche. Ask Britain. The Russians have endured. Britain survived, diminished America is teetering, and may yet collapse with a whimper as the Soviets did. It was exquisitely painful for them and the British; it will be exquisitely painful for us.

Here is my favorite version of the Soviet anthem. The Bulwark took its name from this 1977 version. THAT'S A JOKE ON THE BULWARK!