Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Extremely Normal and Stable Genius

George Conway
Trump, exuding extreme confidence in the jury a short while ago:  

“These charges are rigged. The whole thing is rigged. The whole country’s a mess between the borders and fake elections. And we have a trial like this where the judge is so conflicted he can’t breathe. He’s got to do his job. It’s a disgrace. Mother Teresa could not beat those charges. But we’ll see. We’ll see how we do. It’s a very disgraceful situation. Every single legal scholar and expert said this is no case. It shouldn’t be brought and it certainly could’ve been brought seven years ago, not in the middle of a presidential election.

“It was all done by Joe Biden. This judge contributed to Joe Biden and far worse than that, but I'm not allowed to talk about it because I have a gag order.

“What’s happening here is weaponization on a level that nobody’s seen before, ever. And it shouldn’t be allowed to happen. So I’ll stay around here. This is five weeks. Five weeks of essentially not campaigning. Although I took a big lead in the polls over the last few weeks, something is going on.

“I think the people of this country see this is a rigged deal. It’s a weaponized deal for the Democrats to hit their political opponent. For Joe Biden, the worst president in the history of the United States. He’s destroying our country. He’s letting millions of people from jails, from prisons, from insane asylums, from mental institutions, drug dealers, pour in.  

“Venezuela, if you look at their crime statistics, they’ve gone down 72 percent in crime because they’re releasing all of their criminals into our country because of this horrible president we have.

“And then they have a protest with Robert De Niro yesterday, he’s a fool. A broken down fool, standing out there. He got MAGA’d. He got MAGA’d yesterday. He got a big dose of it. 

“This is all because of Joe Biden … The people that surround him in the office. They’re smart. They’re fascist, they’re communists, but they’re smart. And they’re ruining our country. But we’re going to win this election.

“We’re going to take back our country from these fascists and these thugs …

“In the meantime, this trial is rigged.”

Last edited
12:25 PM · May 29, 2024