Sunday, September 15, 2024

The weekend the presidential race stopped being close

 I think these two things: eating cats and dogs and,

Just "I HATE TAYLOR SWIFT!", nothing else, no other explanation. Like an 8-year old's temper tantrum. Caddy Jellyby in Bleak House tells Esther Summerson, "I wish Africa was dead!" It's the same juvenile petulance. Frum tweeted at 11:50 a.m., after trumpie's tweet. I'm sure Frum had that in mind.

Eating cats and dogs went out to 67.1M viewers and listeners. "I HATE TAYLOR SWIFT!", Pennsylvania-born, Tennessee-resident Taylor Swift, the most popular person on the planet, goes out to the entire world. There is no "hate Taylor Swift" constituency anywhere. It was pure bile and vile without strategic thinking. And it goes beyond the swifties. All of them have parents and grandparents and aunts and uncles. I'm the father of a swiftie. He just shockingly offended all of us. That's going to piss people off! Like with eating cats and dogs, people of all ages, mainly white people, are going to read that post, shake their heads and go, "He has really lost it! Who's next, Santa Claus, Snow White? Him, President of the United States? Nah-ah."