Sunday, September 15, 2024



Recognize this for what it is: he is dog-whistling violence again. It's not a surprise. Fear is his power. He and Couch are using it against Haitian-Americans and now Taylor Swift and swifties. It may work here. Tay is uber sensitive to not put her swifties in harm's way. Millions of them would vote for Kamala--if it's safe. Some will stay home if standing in lines to vote is, or is perceived to be, dangerous.The same with the Haitian-Americans in Springfield, Ohio. Axios reports today that they are asking each other and local officials "if it is safe to leave my house." Classes were canceled at middle schools, high schools and one college canceled campus activities this weekend.

It is not just these recent dog-whistles, of course. They go back to his prediction of "riots" at the convention in Cleveland in 2016 if mainstream Republican delegates voted against him. His campaigns have been based on Fear from the time he announced in 2015 and stoked it on "Mexican rapists."