Tuesday, March 18, 2025

Ew Esse Em Elle Ee

My daughter-in-law Ana did the best that she has ever done on flashcards today and we did over 500 of them. 

You never know what kind of day you're going to have. Yesterday I woke Ana up still in her night clothes and we struggled with flashcards, which is more our norm than exception. Today, for whatever reason, Ana's memory of material old and new was steel trap tight. I bet she got 90% correct. Honestly, I was amazed, and told her so during study. 

I just memorize the look of the q's without understanding, the way I learned to recognize 宋彬彬 as Song Binbin's name in Chinese characters without understanding the language. Ana of course has to understand the medical language. When she gets a brain cramp over a specific answer, I use little tricks: pointing a finger gun at her, making word play (TGF-B is "TGIF"), humming Bridge over Troubled Waters when "bridge" is the answer; pointing to her (pink, of course) plastic cup for "plastica linitis". Today, SHE played these little games with me! "You know this," she'd say, and then mime the answer. One flashcard called for the demographic group. Ana turned and looked at me. "ELDERLY!" I answered. 😂 "It helps me remember", she said. Yes! When you can teach a layman, you have really mastered the subject. 

And now we're finished with another area, reproductive, and we move on. Sharks keep moving forward or they die.