Wednesday, December 02, 2015


That's what more and more media are reporting, including NBC, SO Sayed Farook, or some phonetically similar spelling, is IT. AND he's a U.S. citizen! Not Mexican. He has not been identified as MUSLIM, and I will be highly surprised if he's Presbyterian, so I'm going to stereotype from the name and prove me wrong whydontcha.

This is a nightmare. This is what I feared when the FBI director said ISIS in America is the "new normal" (I saw an earlier article that there was cheering in ISIS-controlled territory in the mid-east.) If American Muslims carried out ISIS attacks, ISIS-inspired or ISIS-related, the entire Muslim community in America is going to come under threat. Up until now, with the Brothers Tsnarnaev representing a semi-exception, America has been spared homegrown Muslim terror. Unless Sayed Farook turns out to have been inspired only by this party disagreement, and if that turns out to be completely unrelated to religion, then Islam is going to get blamed, as it should!, and American Muslims generally are going to get blamed, which they should not. If, as seems overwhelmingly likely, this turns out to be religion-linked then the U.S. should "profile" American Muslims again, as it did after 9/11/01, for increased surveillance and should monitor as many mosques as possible by planting undercover cops as worshipers or by bugging the mosques. It's here, baby! (Or it looks overwhelmingly likely to be here.). And it's ON!