Wednesday, November 10, 2010


Paramount Leader Hu Jintao
1 Dungeon Place
Beijing, China

Dear Paramount Leader Hu,

How are you I am fine.

You never got back to me on my offer that you buy me.  That’s okay.

Guess what?  I’m coming back to China! J  You promise not to arrest me?

Just kidding, I know you’d never do that.

Paramount, I was reading up on the "diplomatic protocol" for my next visit.  For the Review of Troops I have been looking at photographs of your troops. I have looked at the Motorized Scooter Division,


The Army of the Potomac Division,

The Fellatio Mouth Exercises Division,

And the Miniskirt Boots Division.

And I think if the Miniskirt Boots Division is available I would like to review them.

As official Liason to coordinate my visit feel free to have #3 from the left contact my staff.

Or she can contact me directly.  You can give her my Personal cell phone number, 800-HOT-LINE (free call). Do you know her name? Do you know if she has a comrade-friend?  Please have your people forward to my people her name, phone number, email address, street address, GPS location, and skirt size.

Thank you, Paramount.

Your Friend,

Benjamin (the screw that never rusts) Harris