Look at this guy's waist! Hu Jintao obviously has never heard of "steroids."
And of course the PLA are ubiquitous: in Tienanmen Square standing guard next to the flag, in the art district, in the Forbidden City--everywhere. They stand wherever they stand absolutely motionless, like statues. I wanted to go up and squirt a water gun on their khaki pants to see if I could get a reaction or say something like, "Hey Peng Dehuai, I heard that Mao Zedong was gay, can you confirm?"
And of course the PLA are ubiquitous: in Tienanmen Square standing guard next to the flag, in the art district, in the Forbidden City--everywhere. They stand wherever they stand absolutely motionless, like statues. I wanted to go up and squirt a water gun on their khaki pants to see if I could get a reaction or say something like, "Hey Peng Dehuai, I heard that Mao Zedong was gay, can you confirm?"
HOLY S***!!! Where were THEY when I was there???
Look...at...the...third...one...from...the...left. Oh my..."THE EAST IS RED! THE SUN IS RISING! CHINA HAS BROUGHT FORTH A MAO ZEDONG!"
Look...at...the...third...one...from...the...left. Oh my..."THE EAST IS RED! THE SUN IS RISING! CHINA HAS BROUGHT FORTH A MAO ZEDONG!"