Monday, July 22, 2013

Arright, now this is not funny, don't laugh!...Yes it is. Take a look at this traffic video from Ma'anshan, Anhui province, sent courtesy of Dr. Mo. This is a father and son! The cars look they're trying to mate at first until dad gets a demolition derby hit on sonnie at the end. Dad then gets out of his car and chases his son with a belt! It is absurd!  Notice also how the TV report focuses repeatedly on the cars on the flatbeds after the crash, emphasizing that these are luxury cars, a Mercedes and a Beemer. "Wealth has its privileges" in officially communist China and that burns everyday Chinese. Anhui province is "real" China. It was largely rural, the setting for Pearl Buck's "The Good Earth," terribly poor, one of the areas hardest hit by the Great Leap famine. The powerful have abused Anhui for centuries. That this outrageous behavior of the wealthy occurred in Anhui is all the more galling to residents. My thanks to Dr. Mo.