Monday, July 08, 2013

Two things completely ignored here in the last few days:

Obamacare stumbled badly. The administration agreed to push back the "corporate mandate" for a year. This was the president's domestic policy legacy. This president is not very good at anything, not in domestic matters, not in international matters.

"Family members living apart from the elderly should frequently visit or send greetings to the elderly."

Obamacare?  "Filial piety." Sounds virtuous, reasonable, good practice. It's law in China now. That's a law and Zhongnanhai's intent is not to benevolently legislate morality. Filial piety is one of the ancient Confucian rules governing the relationships between different strata of traditional Chinese society, right up to the duty to be obedient to the emperor. Today's red emperors would like more of that. A few years ago they put up a big statue of Confucius in Tiananmen Square. Their subjects made them take it down.