Monday, May 19, 2014

China, America.

Attorney General Eric Holder announced today that five members of PLIP, the People's Liberation Internet Police have been indicted for spying on American corporations, Westinghouse was one. This is not new news; early in 2013, the media, including this little message-in-a-bottle repeated accusations that Unit 61398 in Shanghai had been traced by the Americans as the source of cyber spying. Back then I certainly took the American side of the dispute. As I recall I suggested the inspired response of hacking into or whatever it is and redirecting all traffic to a gay porn site.  I'm proud of that brainstorm. It was not adopted.

Things have changed since those Manichean days before the revelations that NSA was bugging European embassies, the personal cell phones of foreign national leaders, and had hollowed out the constitutional guarantees of, like, Americans. America was exposed. America was exposed as the rogue nation that it is, as the world's arch hypocrite, for among the activities we have learned NSA to have engaged in has been the obsessive spying and bugging in order to gain an advantage for the US in trade deals.

The Americans draw a distinction between industrial spying for leverage in government level trade negotiations and the direct theft of American corporate secrets for use by their foreign counterparts. The world disagrees with this interpretation, as it should, for the American distinction is hubristically hypocritical. The world sees the soul of America as corrupt and disingenuous. Which it is. So much of what Holder does is hypocritical, intellectually dishonest, and fruitless. Just as much of what his boss does is the same. I'm all for China, and any other foreign governmental entities, stealing what they can get from America. This America must be brought to its knees. I hope that these challenging attacks on the insatiable amoral shark of American predatory capitalism are successful. This America is the arch rogue state in the world. This America should be destroyed.