Thursday, January 07, 2016

Global Stocks Extend Rout With Commodities as Soros Sees Crisis-Bloomberg

I'm still perfecting the backflip out of bed. Almost there, almost there.

The Asian financial markets are not so limber these days neither:

“China has a major adjustment problem,” [See? It needs an adjustment.] George Soros said Thursday at an economic forum in Colombo, Sri Lanka. “I would say it amounts to a crisis. [I wish he would not say that.] When I look at the financial markets there is a serious challenge which reminds me of the crisis we had in 2008.” [I wish it didn't remind him of that. I wished a major adjustment by the chiropractor would have China doing backflips again. But I fucking guess not.]

Chinese policy makers’ growing tolerance for a weaker yuan is being seen as a sign they are struggling to revive an economy that’s the world’s biggest user of energy, metals and grains. Those concerns helped wipe $2.5 trillion [A trillion here, a trillion there, pretty soon you're talking real money, you feel me?] off the value of global equities in the first six days of this year as North Korea conducted a nuclear weapons test and relations soured between Saudi Arabia and Iran.