Sunday, January 24, 2016

"GOP Senators: Anyone But Cruz."-The Hill.

I won't bore you with another cut-and-paste job cuz I know you want me to get back to the "Cavs," which I will shortly, so I will summarize:

"ABC" is all about "I." They think Stump at the top of the ticket will be less dangerous for their own reelection chances. They think they can more easily distance themselves from a guy who used to be a Democrat and who hijacked the party than from a sitting senator. And, they really hate Cruz.

Opposition so-based is not going to hurt Cruz, it is just playing into his hands.

One quote:

"Trump says things that drive you up the wall--he says he doesn't like guys who get captured and that he'll make Mexico pay for the wall--but he's not mean. Cruz is mean."

That is a telling comment. It tells me that even sober-minded GOP establishment types are so mean that they don't see Stump's comments about Senator John McCain and immigration as mean. It tells me that they don't see the danger in Stump's "Strong Man" candidacy nor do they recognize the anti-semitism in Sarah Palin's endorsement speech. It tells me the GOP is clueless.