Thursday, January 14, 2016

"Goldman Says It Will Pay $5.1 Billion in U.S. Mortgage Probe."-Bloomberg

Goldman Sachs Group Inc. said it agreed to settle a U.S. probe into its handling of mortgage-backed securities for about $5.1 billion, cutting fourth-quarter profit by about $1.5 billion and closing out a year of record legal and litigation costs. 

The proposed deal, which the bank announced in a statement Thursday, would be the latest multibillion-dollar settlement resulting from the government’s push to hold Wall Street firms to account for creating and selling subprime mortgage bonds that helped spur the 2008 financial crisis.

Authorities have already penalized the three biggest U.S. banks -- JPMorgan Chase & Co., Bank of America Corp. and Citigroup Inc. -- more than $37 billion in the form of cash and consumer relief. In those cases, the government said the banks misrepresented to investors the quality of mortgage loans they securitized into risky bonds.

New York-based Goldman Sachs will pay a $2.39 billion civil penalty, make $875 million in cash payments and provide $1.8 billion in consumer relief under an agreement in principle with a U.S. task force, according to its statement. 


You are scum, Cruz. Go back to Canada, scum.