Friday, January 15, 2016

I was particularly interested in Rich Lowry's relating that the GOP establishment is coming to believe that Trump "would run better than Cruz and slam Hillary." Which if true means that Trump is not contained at ~35% within the GOP, the smaller of the two parties, but increasingly seen (by GOP establishment types) of getting Independents and Democrats to vote for him and getting more, much more, ("slam") of the general election vote.

Is there any empirical evidence to support that? I don't know. However my judgment is coalescing around the proposition that Hilary Clinton will not defeat Trump on the stump. In debates and so on. Whether that translates into votes I am doubtful of.

I don't think that Trump can be defeated playing politics by the same old rules and by the same old candidates. To defeat Trump a candidate, whether one of the Republicans or Clinton, has to play extra-politically-I'm not clear how to do that!-not by or with the same old, same old.