Friday, January 01, 2016

My goodness gracious, some surprising results in scholarly tackle football today-Oh yes, there are more today, six five in fact, everything is never quite enough in America. New Year's Day is traditional for the sport.

They are singin' "Rocky Top" in Tennessee.. The "Volunteers" smacked down Northwestern University 45-6. Northwestern was the higher-ranked of the two, too also. It's a little known fact that in America tackle football is really only played in the South. It's too cold up north. They play games like homosexual child rape up there. See, I learned ya somethin' today.

Meeshagan 41, Florida 7. Ah, I know what you're thinking but see that's southern Michigan and central Florida.

The Ohio State University beat The University of Notre Dame du Lac 44-28 but those are two northern schools so it doesn't really count.

And Stanford is sticking their tree in the "Hawkeye" of the University of Eye-owa, 28-0 but it's only the second quarter so Iowa still has a chance. No.