Friday, January 08, 2016

Seeking the Soul.

Captain Chaos

Well, Jeb Bush was right about this: Donald Trump has been a chaos candidate -- for almost everyone involved in the 2016 contest. He created chaos in Bernie Sanders' backyard yesterday; he brought chaos into Hillary Clinton's campaign, raising an issue (Bill Clinton's past with women) that few had been willing to touch in quite some time; he introduced chaos for Ted Cruz, knocking the Texas senator off message with the "birther" issue for multiple days; and he's produced chaos within the entire Republican Party over the last six months. If you want to know why this 2016 presidential campaign has been so crazy, bizarre, and unpredictable, you can thank one person for that -- Donald Trump.-NBC News

The stark contrast between the souls of China (survival) and the United States (pursuit of happiness) knows no better example than in the two civilizations' views of chaos. It is anathema in China but in the United States it is something that has to happen sometimes and it is tinged with thrill. "Disruptive innovation" is a quintessentially made-in-America concept that could never be "outsourced" to China.