Friday, March 16, 2018

Mitt Romney officially filed to be a candidate for the U.S. Senate in 2018 from Utah. He looks like a man who cannot let go.

Romney will use the expected senate seat to challenge the IllegiTrump in the 2020 primaries. He looks like an Oedipean 71 year-old still trying to one-up his father. A man in his dotage who is oblivious to the savage beating he will take at the ballot box and to his reputation.

Looks are deceiving. We are witnessing the most selfless political act of our lifetimes, for Mitt Romney is not oblivious. He knows that he will lose to Trump and be humiliated in the process. He will make the run against Trump as a last act of defiant courage to retake his party and his country, or to die trying. Romney above all, and almost alone, has warned of and warred against the red menace of Russia and of Trumpism. He has seen the takeover complete and the rollover of the apparatchiks in the Russo-Republican Party, and their consolidation will be only over Mitt Romney's dead body.