Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Why does no London based soccer team have London in its name?

Chelsea, Arsenal, Spurs, Fulham, West Ham, QPR, Crystal Palace—that’s just those in the Premier League (or who recently have been).

So I googled that question. Here are three answers:

“With these many clubs it will be injustice to citizens of London that a single club bears their name and represent them.”

“[When soccer clubs started forming] For a club to be named London FC, it needed representation from throughout London. That was almost impossible to happen as it was way easier to find youth in one locality itself. Else, various small clubs in London could merge to name themselves London FC. That again didn't happen because most of the London were well sustainable individually.”

In  the history there were never a club which represent the whole London in football.”

Oh, I see! There is no good reason. Manchester has two clubs with the city name. Liverpool has one. Birmingham. Newcastle. Fucking Norwich has a club with the city name. The town of Huddersfield has one. So, there is no law. Imagine the cachet if you bought a lower level club, say, AFC Wimbledon, and renamed it London FC?