Tuesday, June 18, 2019

Hold, No Cancel, that last post...

The categorical exasperation out of Houston to the Yahoo! report, from Chris Paul’s “Damn! That’s news to me...” that he wants out on Instagram; to Daryl Morey’s “No. Can you convey my disdain in my ‘no? It’s so annoying at this point;”And “I distinctly remember one time they both face-timed me and I walked through 50 free agents and got their opinion on them together, if that gives you a sense of how tightly they are tied together;” to the Houston Chronicle’s reporting that “Though the Yahoo! story said Harden and Paul were not speaking through a stretch of the season, they sit next to one another on the team’s charter flights, typically play cards and were often seen interacting before practices,” the undersigned is now convinced by a substantial preponderance of the evidence that “Vincent” “Goodwill,” “author” of the Yahoo?! “report,” has Badwill, has his head up his assholes and that his “report” is untrue. Mr Badwill will please to mail his Professional Sports Pencils membership badge in to PSP headquarters ASAP.