Monday, February 22, 2021

COVID-19 BIDEN+32 (Feb. 21)

The most important number in the reported stats today is that up there. That is greater than the population of the 39th largest city in America, Atlanta, Georgia.

After that, the most important numbers:

-32% Deaths 14-day change. That is a hardy down but slightly down from the last two iterations, so that is slightly bad.

3.13% Deaths-Hospitalization percentage Feb. 15 through Feb. 21. Up, upping further away from 46-1’s last (2.43%).

1,928 Daily average Deaths Feb. 15-21. Up. Bad.

-30% Hospitalizations 14-day change. Ditto commentary on Deaths 14-day change. The D-H gap is down to 2% which is bad.

61,422 7-day daily average Hospitalizations. Down. Good. But, can see what is more clearly seen in the Cases 7-day average graph, a slight leveling of the Hospitalizations line, it is not as unambiguously down as every recent iteration has been. In fact Hospitalizations declined from an average 62,974 in the Feb. 20 7-day daily average.

1,249 Deaths reported on Feb. 21. That is down, which is good, but today is a reporting lag day.

-44% Cases 14-day change. Tremendous, tremendous number, tremendously good if down the list in importance.

66,393 7-day daily average Hospitalizations. Down, good, but here’s the line with tail clearly flattened:

Bad. Cases declined on average from 67,629, Feb. 20 iteration.

56,495 Cases reported Feb. 21. Down, good.

Overall, bad. Grim day.