Wednesday, February 24, 2021


I’m really discouraged.

14-day changes

–37% Cases
–31% Hospitalizations
–23% Deaths

Hispitalizations have flipped Deaths again, which will push up the D-H rate.

7-day daily average

2,082 Deaths

Third straight day, fourth out of the last five that Deaths are up.

58,633 Hospitalizations Down.

3.55% D-H. A new high. 

Cases declining by more than Hospitalizations (and I don’t remember an iteration when they did not) means that more of us who test positive are getting more seriously ill, serious enough to require hospitalization. H’s declining by more than D’s means that more of us who get really sick are dying. I read something today that may shed light (or not) on these grim facts. Unfortunately I read the article before I was ready to do the daily COVID post, and now can’t find it.  What I remember is that Biden is concerned with the “sourcing”, sourcing I think was the buzz word, China was mentioned, of some machine and and computer parts and the author gave two examples of the machines that these parts were critical to; one of them was a machine used in hospitals to treat COVID. Ventilators? Respirators? Maybe one of those. The point of this profile in forgetfulness is that people are not getting treated for COVID as effectively as they once did, there is something missing once people hit the hospital and the result is that more and more their next stop is the funeral home.

*This, I think, is the article I read. It’s a “supply chain” issue. COVID relief apparatus is mentioned only with regard to masks and pharmaceuticals, there’s nothing about ventilators or respirtors, nothing that would “shed light” on something missing in hospitals that speeds the trip to the funeral home, but that D-H rate is real as real and there is something going on that is causing it to be higher than it was in 46-1’s last week.

68,038 Cases. Third straight day Cases are up, albeit barely noticeably.


71,436 Cases.
2,350 Deaths.

I’m discouraged. Good night folks.